Saturday, 20 December 2014

Top 10 Terrible Games That We Like

Here’s 10 games that we really can’t recommend to anyone, yet we just… secretly love ‘em. Maybe it’s nostalgia, maybe its just got some addictive elements, maybe it’s so bad it makes us laugh. Our guilty pleasures. Don’t judge us.


10. Golden Axe

I really liked playing this game with my brother as a kid. You walked left to right, you tried to punch things, you got your ass beat, but there were skellingtons. I look back on it now, and yeah, it kinda wasn’t great.

Before Star Wars Kid there was Tyris Flare.

Don’t expect any support from me on this one. Out of your entire list, this is definitely the dullest of the bunch to me. I can’t even tell you if there’s anything particularly wrong with it. It simply exists and it has memorable no defining features. It sure did have skellingtons though.

09. Warioware Inc: Mega Party Game$
Not to be confused with the original GBA version Warioware Inc. Mega Microgame$ which is of course a diamond of a game, this cheapskate gamecube port offered hardly anything new, except a couple gimmicky multiplayer modes tacked on, and without even a straight up 2-player version of classic warioware! But the thing is, it has just a couple multiplayer modes that I STILL play with my friends every single year. When we run out of juice on all our other games, this one is still here.

 It's not the fall that gets you, it's that those turtles gon be piiiissed.

Never played this one, though I have played the GBA original. It’s hard to put a value on party games, because they can so easily be a hit as they can be a miss. Personally I can’t say I'm into the series all that much.

08. Pokemon Snap
This game is about an hour long, and you just photograph pokemon. But I really liked pokemon, and you could throw shit at them and piss them off and that is PRETTY GREAT.

 Haters gonna hate

Aww yee dawg. Pokémon Snap is a horribly disappointing, on-rails game that is totally not what you hope it would be. Taking pictures is not for everyone, but the niche that IS into that would be pumped by the concept. It’s the roller coaster rails that ruins it for most people, since it means you can’t take your time and line up the perfect shot. What should be a nice relaxing time-wasted quickly becomes a stressful time management game.

07. Oddballz
This I believe was a total bomba spinoff to the groundbreaking ‘Petz’ franchise (before Ubisoft turned them into true shovelware!) Where instead of breeding cute kittens and making them wear hats, you had a bunch of fuzzy Cronenbergs that constantly made weird noises and ate live worms and would have allergic reactions (I am not kidding) to toys and food. You can probably see why I loved it.

 How do you have ideas when you don't even have a cranium?

Kind of amazed that someone could make an uglier version of Tamagotchi. That stuff had 2-bit graphics and the resolution of a postage stamp. Knowing your fondness for weird monsters, I do understand what attracted you to it though.

06. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
AWL is faaaar from the worst Harvest Moon game, which is kind of a depressing thought. This game promised to be a real ultimate Harvest Moon 3D next-gen experience to live out your whimsical second life. What we got instead was a small herb garden next to an unfinished-feeling town and meadow with frankly a really weird vibe about it. And the end goal of the game wasn’t so much to get all the unlocks and have heaps of cash, no the game ends when you die of old age. Wow, Right? While this game would LITERALLY put me to sleep, I kind of really like it. Note the ‘weird vibe’, the unnecessary theme of mortality and even though it was unfinished, it was addictively serene. I guess it really was that relaxing second life after all.


Never played this one too much. Harvest Moon games tend to be rather samey, so you pick one you like and stick with it I guess. This one has a bad rep for coming right after very polished and feature-rich entries. Compromises were made in this one to make it all pretty I think, which I guess it mostly succeeded at.

05. Ken’s Labyrinth 

Of all the Doom-alikes to choose from that could easily be argued are some pretty gnarly games, Ken’s Labyrinth by Ken Silverman is probably the least.. great. The best description I could think of would probably be ‘Wolfenstein on acid’. You have to rescue your dog, and if it dies I guess you are fucked. I guess I’m a sucker for doom-alikes though.

 What really happens when you give chocolate to dogs.

This game will always feel like a ROM hack to me. It plays identically to the game it was ripping off and it looks absolutely terrible.

04. Space Station Silicon Valley
This game was brutally unfair and had nasty as heck controls. It’s a 3d platformer from the N64 generation, which is already like… just the worst combination of things. But the premise… you’re a microchip that controls any animal you can jump into, and all the animals have their own special abilities like floating, biting, swimming, laying mines, rocket jets… oh right did I mention they are cyborg animals? Yeah I don’t know. As you can imagine, the goofy premise is the games entire appeal, it’s buggy as all fuck and like I said it’s insanely hard in all the wrong ways.

 Artists: Just fuck it, ya know?

This game seems like it just oozes potential. Potential that still feels untapped. Considering these developers went on to become one of the biggest names in video game studios, I think they could totally do it justice nowadays.

03. Creatures 3
Another pet simulator, but this time it's kind of like got an advanced genetics angle and you have to educate your creatures, make them breed and teach them not to eat poison and defend them from getting bitchslapped to death by grendels. I was never really precocious enough to get into measuring hormone levels and brain maps, but the game had a cult following in germany, and a pretty good mod scene where I could get candy cane vending machines and cages to put the grendels in. I guess what it really was was an inexpensive doll house with AI.

 Not sure I can even explain what's going on here.

You and your weird monster tamagotchis, Allie…

02. Sonic R


To this day I still can’t believe you aren’t trolling me with this game. It’s irredeemably bad and I just don’t understand how it can bring you such joy. It’s a racing game where everyone is on foot, but they control like lorries on ice.

01. Chrono Cross
Chrono Cross is so goddamn beautiful, moving, breathtaking, unforgettable, magical aaaand I can’t recommend this game to anyone. The main reason is that it doesn’t tell you where the fuck to go at any point in the game and it literally expects you to just decide to backtrack through a dungeon you just beat and use an item you may have got from some npc in town, or discover an invisible thing on the overworld map. It’s got like 30 totally inspired playable characters for you to not figure out how to recruit, and an epic emotional story that goes completely off the rails about ⅔ of the way through and just has way too many ideas without any sort of satisfying conclusion. Infact, if you are able to follow it at all you deserve a medal. But that soundtrack is the shiz.

 I'm so stuck I'll just drown myself.

I totally feel you with this one. It’s kind of hard for me to admit this is not a good game, because in my eyes it is. It’s easy to get blinded by all the things it does right to notice all the bad decisions it makes along the way. It’s nonsensical, slightly pointless, but it sure is beautiful and inspiring.

10. Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure
Remember a time when the Wii Remote was new and developers were still messing around with what they could do with it? While most of them bailed, some of them released those games with mixed successes. Zack & Wiki is one of those games centred around Motion Control implementations akin to a Wario Ware, except they didn’t figure out yet at the time that individuals do the same gestures differently. This ended up making a motion controlled puzzle game that just simply did not work for a lot of folks, and you had to resort to guides to see how you had to perform the same gestures you were making all your life. To make things worse, it’s also one of those adventure games where you can mess up and have to restart. I really like a lot of what they were going for but… yeah.

 Brr! Cold enough to freeze the balls off a br- oh, sorry man.

I can’t really vouch for the quality of this game, I saw it looking pretty interesting on the release but I never picked it up. I think people I know got fed up with it pretty fast and felt it was short and shallow. I’m actually not sure what it is you like about this game, but I imagine it’s got pretty decent puzzles and it’s kind of a cute little adventure.

09. Pandora’s Tower
I’m one of those people that thinks Konami never really made a 3D Castlevania game yet. Well if Konami wasn’t going to do it, Gambarion will. Featuring a cast with the charisma of a vending machine, heavy use of motion controls and IR cursors, you can guess where this one went wrong. Polish was pretty much absent from every single aspect as well. They wanted to make a game that was simply way beyond their means and talent. As someone that really wanted an actual 3D Castlevania, this game just had its heart in the right place.

 I'll break up with her after one more dungeon...

I really liked this game as well. This game doesn’t even really have an fatal flaws and it has some charm, but somehow I know in my heart that it’s not a great game that most people would turn their nose up at it and for good reason. Well, ok I know some pretty good reasons. Wiimote action combat, those haircuts, and that cringeworthy moe housewaifu the game centers around. ITS SO CRAY THOUGH NOBODY ELSE UNDERSTANDS US, T.

08. Metroid Other M
Trying to correct the lame first person course the Metroid series took on the Gamecube, the series creator decided to bring the series back to where he left off. Following the style of Metroid Fusion, Samus is back to being the awesome speedy and agile cyborg ninja we used to know… in gameplay. In a bold move, they decided to finally fill in the blanks of her personality, and boooooy howdy the personality they chose could not be more different from what the audience imagined all this time. Samus seems socially stunted, fragile, easily swayed by authority figures and WHINY. What they intended to be a big emotional moment in the series ended up being a slap in the face to a lot of fans. For god knows what reason they made the game more linear than ever, and expected you to play a 3D game like an NES game. Icing on the cake is that this title had the pixel-huntiest pixel hunts that would make Sierra games blush in embarrassment. I still liked how Samus played though, which felt pretty badass and faithful to the character.

 A little past its......... prime ;-]

Yeah I guess what this game had going for it was it actually works out as a pretty not bad 3d interpretation of the original games, as opposed to Metroid Prime being more like a straight up FPS spinoff (even if it was the absolute shiz niz). This game had so many really frustrating little bad design decisions though that it wasn’t just the awkwardly misogynistic cutscenes that put me off. I can see why you’d consider it slightly underrated, but I definitely like this game less than you do.

07. Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell
This is an adventure game series for children age 3-8. I was not 3-8 when I first played this and I’m still not. It’s a point and click game where most of your interaction with the screen amounts to what is basically virtual keys dangling in front of your face. You are tasked to find who stole the conch shell, and free your wrongfully imprisoned uncle. There’s multiple endings to this one, where the clues you find are different each time, resulting in a different culprit. I got all the endings.

 Predators of the sea.

I can only guess these games are whack as fuck for them to have this weird cult following. I will have to play these games one day. That said, Tobi does just like things for babies like Blue’s Clues and vegetable puree, so who knows.

06. Disaster: Day of Crisis
Disaster is a game based on action movie clichés and Roland Emmerich disaster flicks. Every large scale thing that can go wrong in the world does, at the same time. Earthquakes ripping open roads, tsunamis flooding everything, fires breaking out, gas leaks infesting caved in tunnels, wild animals escaping,... the whole works. They made a game around all these things that were quite popular at one point. I’m not sure if they had a good idea on how to mix all these elements though, because the gameplay keeps changing constantly and does a really bad job of explaining stuff to you. It’s the total lack of polish or cohesion that really makes this one a hard sell. It’s its unpredictability, unintentional camp and ability to systemise the strangest things that makes me love it though.

 Grizzlys are known to hunt salmon and excessive HUD elements.

I won’t lie, this game sounds amazing. I’m actually kind of sad that I hadn’t heard of it until recently.

05. ActRaiser
Ever wanted a game that combined fast-paced, and difficult action gameplay with slow Sim City building? No? Well here it is anyway. ActRaiser is a game with an identity crisis that tried to turn religion into exciting video game mechanics. You sometimes play as an avatar of the lord that purges the lands of false-gods with your sword, and sometimes an angel trying to help your followers expand and spread your influence across the region. Neither of the two different styles of gameplay are particularly well-thought out, or well-done. I still give them points for originality though. Most of the game’s problems would easily be fixed had they had more time, or perhaps in a sequel. Going by the fact that it’s a launch title for the Super Nintendo gives me a sneaking suspicion it was simply rushed out the door.

 When u accidentally spawn in hell and erryone laugh at u

I think the sim/strategy angle of this game is its strong point, as a platformer though its one of.. thoooooooose platformer games. One of those ‘find the exploitable corner where the boss can’t hit you thats probably the only way to beat this game’ games. See also: Altered Beast. That was almost on my list actually! But turns out I don’t like it that much.

04. Winnie The Pooh Home Run Derby
OK here my out, guys. I know fully well this is a shitty throwaway browser game. It’s completely free because no one would pay for it. It simply exists because someone was all HEY MAKE A GAME STARRING WINNIE THE POOH. HAVE IT DONE BY FRIDAY. All you do in this game is click at the right time to swing the bat. If you hit enough home runs, you proceed to the next challenger. Completely fine for the first few, but the difficulty climbs up so dramatically. No human child could do this. I consider myself to be far superior to any stupid kid, so when a kids game absolutely crushed me in the most humiliating fashion, I had to restore my manly honour by getting even and beating it. I never did. Looking up the correct title brought me straight to the game again, and I must admit I am struggling to not give it another go.

 Seriously just you goddamn wait till you get to tigger.

If you don’t know about this game’s reputation, its really worth looking it up. Actually hilarious. I’d love to watch you try and beat the game. I hate baseball games though and I think it looks like a tedious fuckin browser game, but you go girl.

03. NieR
NieR is a gnarly looking game about a gnarly looking dude that plays like he’s swatting flies on rollerskates. The game’s quite obviously low budget, and once you get into its plot and subject material you’ll immediately see why. NieR was destined to be sales chart poison, as its sole reason of existence is to depress the living hell out of the player. Having become too old and ugly to still prostitute himself, the titular NieR becomes increasingly frustrated and desperate to pay for his dying daughter’s medical needs. You drudge through boring and frustrating gameplay to see just how much sadder it can get. Even thinking back to it bums me out. In order to fully beat the game, you are expect to not only beat the game three times, but also 100% complete all its nonsense side quests. The pay-off is about the biggest middle finger you can get. I found myself strangely compelled by its quest to make me sad though, and ultimately I got one of my more memorable gaming experiences by sticking with it to the end.

 Starring Gary Busey as the Witcher.

I feel ya. Your description actually sounds a bit like 9hours9persons9doors, but that game was actually awesome. I guess cool ideas can be ruined by horribly flawed gameplay though. Still, sounds like it was worthwhile.

02. Soul Blazer
If I had to describe Soul Blazer is one word, it would be “basic”. I don’t mean basic in the sense that it does what every other game at the time was doing. No, it’s basic in the sense that it sort of did what much older other games were doing, but somehow simpler and worse. Dialogue reads like it was written in a fortune cookie factory and it’s pretty heavy on backtracking for a relatively short game. The gameplay mostly consists of finding certain spots on a map where monsters spawn from, standing still there and mashing the button until they all die. Doing so makes an unimportant rando, building or plant appear that don’t really do anything. Grinding to unlock a single flower is one of the most bizarre form of rewards and progression I’ve seen in ages, but I must admit that I fell for its charm.

 Well this guy knows something I don't

I think really this is kind of a decent enough game, but it does sorta have the look and feel of some sorta amateur RPGmaker type game. Mechanically though, it’s a little more original than that. Kind of a bit similar in its appeal to ActRaiser actually, but.. better than ActRaiser I reckon because it wasn’t SHITTY PLATFORMING.

01. Deadly Premonition
I’ll not mince words. Deadly Premonition is a freeaboo* video game rip-off of Twin Peaks. It just straight up lifted the bulk of Twin Peaks’ ideas and characters, and tried to pass it off as their own. These guys were clearly in way over their heads when they wanted to make an open world game, because they did not have the time, money, experience or even a vague clue on how modern games worked. Cutscenes feature some atrocious terribad Troll 2 level writing and acting, and the actual production behind it is just as bad. Animations look uncomfortably unnatural and place holders are still all over the place. Everything feels like it could break apart any second, but it miraculously never does. It’s a game whose gameplay is so bafflingly poor that you’ll want to crank down the difficulty as low as possible so you have to play it the least. The worst thing is that the creators are clearly unaware of how bad they did, and in fact seemed incredibly proud. In a sick and twisted way, I kind of do think they can be proud. I couldn’t look away from this train-wreck and was able to see through all the disaster. What’s there is indescribable and life-affirming.

(*Freeaboo: Someone who is obsessed with America/American Culture/Cartoons/Food/.. etc. and attempts to act as if they were American. Derived from the similar word “Weeaboo”.)

 I'm no fuddy-duddy, Zach. I can bust a rhyme or two.

Yeah this is sort of an obvious pick really, its the ultimate so-bad-its-good perfect Let's Play fodder from a time before Let’s Plays. I kind of already associate you with this game since you told me about it. I feel like it’s hard to tease you about any of these picks, they’re kind of widely accepted as flawed but much appreciated cult classics. I look forward to playing this myself some day and seeing how much I can even.

So that’s 20 whole games that we just can’t recommend to you. On behalf of HYTIB we accept no responsibility for you trying to play these games, and realising they may in fact be awful games because we warned you. Some people just like the taste of a sinner's sandwich.

Tobi Nuzlockes: Rules

Perhaps a small introduction is needed for the uninitiated. The 'Nuzlocke challenge' started when one day someone got bored of playing a regular vanilla game of Pokémon, and decided to add house-rules to spice things up. Doing so allowed him to explore and really make good use of the complexer mechanics that the series has to offer. He documented his journey and experiences, and inspired many others to do the same.

Considering I have beaten quite a few Pokémon games already and the fatigue started to settle in, I decided that it may be time I gave this a shot too. With the recent release of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, this was the perfect time for me to jump in. I'll be playing the Alpha Sapphire one because that's the one I saw first in the online store, making it the best version of the two. Arbitrary rules and difficulty may be just the thing I need. I settled on the following list:


  • In Memoriam: Any pokémon that faints will be considered dead. The use of Revives is strictly forbidden, as is raising mons from the dead in a Pokécentre. Should an NPC accidentally heal my party, I have to adhere to the honour system and skill consider it to be dead.
  • Gravekeeper: They will be deposited in the last PC box, which shall be considered to be my ‘graveyard’. This method will allow me to keep a neater log of my fallen comrades.
  • Game Over: The Nuzlocke challenge will be officially over when I am completely wiped out and have no more Pokémon. At that point, I’ll have to decide whether or not I have to start an entirely new save, or to continue playing Pokémon in the vanilla way using my boxed Pokémon.
  • Patriarchy Protest: I shall only catch female or genderless Pokémon. If I get a male Pokemon through trading, he should get boxed. We'll be strong independent women and we won’t need no man. *snaps fingers and bobs head* The reason for this rule is to be pickier with who I can catch (including Legendaries), adding another layer of challenge.
  • Highlander:I will only have one Pokémon per species. First one I catch of a species will be the one I stick with. This rule is to prevent catching the same few critters over and over again to avoid having to level or comparing stats.
  • Pikachu is “Pizza” in the UK: Any Pokémon I will catch will get a nickname. This little bit of personalisation will make deads hit harder than they already do.
  • Dittos Can Be Classy Too: I shall not use a Ditto for breeding Pokémon. Similarly, I can only breed Pokémon when the purpose is to donate an egg to someone else, or to get a pre-evolution form. Breeding for stats or natures is explicitly forbidden.
  • Pokénewbie: While I’ve technically already played this game before, in the form of the original, I will still play this version as blind as possible. This means I will not look anything up. This means no checking which Pokémon are available and where they are, no looking up Gym Leaders, no looking up levels of when Pokémon evolve,... nothing. The only thing I'm going on is what I know and what I can figure out through the game itself.

And that's about it! Kind of excited to see how far I'll get, and just how doable it is. I'm usually a pretty lazy Pokémon trainer, so I also wonder what affect it'll have on my play style and enjoyment of the game. I'll be keeping a log of my adventure, which I may occasionally post if I remember to actually do it. Wish me luck!

Monday, 15 December 2014

Review: Final Fantasy 5

This is where things are going to get a little crazy, kids. The third game we’re covering is Final Fantasy 5, the successor to what we know as Final Fantasy 2. Again like the other times, what do you know about this one?

You told me this is the one where its got a weird class system. And thats about it. I know fuck all about this one. Based on the last two though, i'm gonna rescue some orbs, meet a guy named Cid, and go to the moon.

Underpants gnomes! I told you guys!

This is where I start appreciating the series a bit more already. Cutscenes now feature stuff actually happening, rather than just brooding through dialogue boxes. Characters are still paper-thin, but they display a little more personality, and they’re simply more fun and dynamic. I’d even say that I quite like all of the characters we got to play as. There weren’t a lot of them compared to the 10+ cast of the previous game, but I remember all of them and I enjoyed all of them.

Yeah I agree. This one has waaay more of a sense of character development, and just feels more… I dunno… emotionally accessible? In FF4 I had no idea what was going on, why there were so many castles, and people kept coming and going too fast for me to care. This one may feel a little slow paced and basic, but thats worked in its favour. Also omg the main character is called ‘Butz’. *snicker* Amazing.

They changed his official English name to “Bartz” for that very reason. I guess they couldn’t fit Bartocks in the naming screen.

Also can we talk about how much of a dick he is? Dude abuses turtles and fights little girls. Sometimes we go to a new town I pretend I don’t know that homie.

FF5 reminded me a lot more of the Dragon Quest series, which I assume was the idea they were going for. Simple journeys where you get small vignettes that show you what characters and places are like in a nutshell.

Agreed. I think you could pull off something more singular and ‘epic’ like the old games if you just paced it well. But eh, easier said than done. Plus y'know, localisation has come a long way.

I'm sorry. I was here to see the wise old man, not the wise-ass old man.

This is one of those games that several of my friends replay every few years due to the job-system. Now that you’ve gone through it, can you see yourself rethreading the game one day and picking completely different jobs?

I dunno, man, it’s a long-ass game. I get it, though. The class system is sorta pokemon-ish where it could be more fun to set arbitrary goals for yourself within that. I found the whole game definitely more appealing than the previous two games, but it was still a little bit dull.

 Final rating?

I give this a betterthanFF4/10, and I give Gilgamesh an 8/10 for having 8 totally jacked biceps and being a sweet wingman.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

HYTIB Reviews Eurovision 2014 Finals: Storms, cakes and facial hair.

So what a weird bunch we ended up with this year. Not as much embarrassingly dated stuff, or maybe I'm just getting old. Nothing we're really rooting so hard for yet either. An obsession with rain and storms, fashionable facial hair and using playground equipment as a central prop. #justdanishthings

Since we already scored most of the songs on the semifinals, we'll just be reminiscing about them and adding scores for the cheeky bastards who get to bypass the semi-finals.


Ukraine, ikraine, we all crane to see whats going on

Ah yeah, this is that clock song. It wasn’t so bad.
It was one of the few songs I remember.
Don’t reckon itll win though.
Yeah, I agree. The most “controversial” and/or gimmicky one wins, because that is what this music festival is about.


Don’t remember these guys.
Oh this was that one called cheesecake. It was sorta lame. Maybe going for a robin thicke vibe?
Oh yeah. The guys that didn't know what Cheesecake meant.
Oh geez. How did this make it?

Sometimes they make train sounds for no reason.
Well too bad. They aren’t getting choo-choo-chosen.

"I'm tired of being Joseph Cheesecake"?
That guy is officially known as JOSEPH CHEESECAKE.


Ok i sorta remember the jungle gym twins.
It's one of those songs I remember by the background props, but not the actual song.

This is sorta a chore to sit though isn’t it?
I don’t know why some countries insist on sending such a downer of a song?

I almost want Cheesecake back.
Joseph where are you? D:

Make LAVA.


It's the fucking Wiggles.
Cousins of Teletubbies
Oh my lord it is them!

They had the decency to be upbeat and interesting though.
The Wiggles are my favourites thus far.


Oh I see, they really did send Iceland in to break up all the super downer songs.

This song is more listenable to than the last downer song. I think they should make a rule next year. ONLY FUN SONGS.
All infringements of this should be taken up in the international court the The Hague.


Don't remember this one either… was there a third semi we missed?
Me neither.
Oh come on, this one was the one with rubbish green screen effect, circle piano and dude who looks and gesticulates like Aziz Ansari!
I fear there will be a lot of entries that we'll exclusively be able to remember by their gimmick, and not their song. But I guess that's what wins votes anyway. Gimmicks go a long way.

it's better than that fire one.
I already forgot the fire one. e_e


This is that dubsteppy one.
Yeah, this was the first song.

I don't like that he's basically angry at me
I guess its kinda cool that the song sorta changes, its not boring at least. But I dunno, its not really that great either.

Makes me want to download internet explorer.


Laggy stream today. Must be all those Chinese viewers.
I got stuck on him making a creepy kissy face.

I literally have nothing to say about this, and I see I'm not the only one. Everyone must have gone to the bathroom and got a refill on their drinks.


Oh boy its ur favrit.
It's so halfarsed and SHIT.
This is not singing either.


I think they want a hot Slavic bath.
They are being hella filthy, that's for sure.


These guys made it in? :|
I told you man. I warned you dogg.

I just realised, this is the dude version of the previous song.
Putting the ‘tramp’ in trampoline.


She still has the worst beard. It looks drawn on with a sharpie. 2/10 Step up your game.

Thing is, the song, to me, isn't the worst, but I don't quite understand the statement she's trying to make.
The drag scene and cabaret entertainment have a long history. I don't think it's as much of a statement as it is a stage persona.

Oh I'm fine with those things, I just don’t really like the song all that much.

Germany - "Is It Right"

First new song of the evening... and it's already shit.

Can you win at anything with an accordion?

I like accordion and cello gals. They look like they’re having fun.
I think a lot of these entries forget to have fun.

I don’t wanna be right.
It's kinda fun
I fear it isn’t “right”


Lotta sad songs about storms.
OH! It's the Frozen song.

Yeah. You know what though actually, I can see this doing pretty ok.
Song isn’t too great, but her performance is pretty good.

France - "Moustache"

What the fuck, France? They built a hot tub time machine to get those dudes.

Hipster warning. Lock your doors and windows, don’t let kids and the elderly outside.

...what in the world.
I want to see tobi’s face so bad right now.
Somewhere between 8| and B|

I have decided this is great and i love this.

Every one of these people look like they got ripped out of that Doug cartoon
Haha nailed it.

Feelin' it
Weird Al noooooooooooooooo





Yeah I still kinda like this song.
I still like the teeter totter.
Hey you know how some of these songs are a bit frozen-esque, doesn't this one sorta remind you of Tangled?

Y'know, I mean, do you think maybe Russia shoulda saved this act for when the rest of Europe doesn't totally hate them?
Crimea river

Italy - "La mia città"

Her mic wasn't on!

I love the outfit. It’s like miss marvel meets Soul Calibur.

Is that guy playing a fucking KEYTAR?

I kinda like this one guys.
It’s fine, but it goes in one ear and out the other. e_e
True. It’s all show and no tune.

Literally feelin' it

The guy that was dancing to France, dances well with this too
I'm going to keep the gif open so I can judge songs based on how well he can groove to it

These romans are crazy
Was ok


This one was ok too.

Flautists blow though.
We do

Do you like her big booty dress, T?

I want this song to lose the most.

Yes, I do.


Still sorta like this one. In fact, this one might have a really good chance?
I like the guy’s voice, but he’s hard to understand half the time still.

Oh god strobe warning.

Spain - "Dancing in the Rain"

Oh great, the roof broke and it started leaking inside.

I like that her hair is wet.

She’s a good singer, but it was the most generic song of the evening.
Yeah I guess forgettable but fairly pleasant.

Slightly moist
Wet blanket


I still like the whistling opening.

The only thing I thought of here was the Muppets Movie.


This song seems kinda effed up.
Yeah, the lyrics of this are a little weird.

You are kidding absolutely no one with that violin, son.


Oh yeah, the domestic abuse song.

Yeah I guess its a bit of a downer for eurovision but its kindof a good tune.


Mumford and Nick Cage’s sons.
hehe yeah.

He never closes his eyes. I think he’s a vampire.

Denmark - "Cliché Love Song"

Oh geez. High school musical.
Bruno Mars.

It’s a fun song though.
Yes c:

Scooby dooby doo
It was alright


I remember not-the-police. Man I was right, like 50% of these songs are about rain and/or storms. What’s the deal?
Disney’s Frozen, storms, playground equipment and cakes are the running themes here.

San Marino

What's the matter, Homer? Ain’t ya never seen a naked chick riding a clam before?

United Kingdom - "Children of the Universe"

You guys are sending Cheetara from Thundercats this year.
'Children of the Universe' More like Masters of the Universe.

Now you guys are just mocking the fact that you don't have to enter the semis.
Pretty much. cx
It’s not great, but we've done a lot worse.

She actually looks bored.
Yeah kindof a lethargic performance. It’s because we don't get any sunshine.

She-ra, princess of power-ballad.
“Meh” Much like the last few yea
Thoroughly meh

OK what do you predict, and what was your fav?

I don't know what to predict because it's never anything I want, so probably that boring shit fire one for predictions, and favourite was probably Switzerland I guess.
I think Austria will win, but if it were up to me, I'd pick France because they'll probably lose the hardest and they gave me the dancy man gif.
I'm gonna go with Finland. Kinda really liked Russia too, but... yknow.

Whatever, I'm off to bed! G'night, gals.

And the winner is...

Austria. Congrats from all three of us! None of us were super crazy about it, but we're glad one of the songs that we remembered won. We could have done much worse.

See you guys next year!